Improving Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) outcomes among rural and urban poor women in Rivers State, Niger Delta region of Nigeria
World Diabetes Foundation
- To promote prevention of GDM among rural and urban poor through education and awareness campaigns in communities in Rivers State
- To build the capacity of health care providers at private and primary health
- facilities for screening and pre-referral care for GDM
- To enhance the capacity of secondary and tertiary public and private health care facilities for GDM care
- To promote GDM intervention activities using evidence based scientific publications and media reports and stakeholder fora
- 22,202 Pregnant women screened for GDM
- 1310 GDM cases diagnosed (prevalence of 5.9%)1310 GDM cases followed up 85,000 information flyers
- 17 community town hall meetings and door to door Inter-personal communications.
- 2300 persons reached and three community rallies held
- 360 public & private HCPs trained
- 4 trainings organized for Primary HCPs 78 Secondary HCPs trained
- 4 trainings organized for Secondary HCPs 306 OBGYN and Specialist staff trained
- 4 trainings organized for Tertiary HCPs 4 stakeholders meetings/ Dissemination of findings
- 10 Abstracts presentations
- 4 Journal publications 720 Mass media jingles
- 60 broadcasts (TV/Radio/Newspaper)
- 10 Online posts on WDF sponsored events. locally, nationally, regionally, and internationally
DURATION:January 2017 – December 2019
GRANT No: WDF-16 1347
Omosivie Maduka