Mwan Weekly Update (Week 12)
Week 12: 9th JAN 2022 TO 15th JAN 2022
The January edition of the MWAN RIVERS monthly general meeting was held on Saturday 22nd January 2022. It was a hybrid meeting, with the physical event occurring at the RSPHCB meeting room, and virtually hosted on Zoom.
It featured a talk on improving Mental Health and Wellbeing for the female medical doctor by Dr Maymunah Kadiri, and a Fit and Fab session that highlighted makeup application tips, facilitated by Dr Chinedu Nwadiaru of Yvade Makeovers. Reports were also given of the associations activities over the past quarter.
MWAN Rivers President, Dr. Omosivie Maduka shared her three-point agenda with the house, which incorporates increasing INVOLVE-ment of female medical doctors in MWAN activities and dues payments, IMPROVE-ing members’ capacity through Mentorship Masterclasses, CMEs, and other Capacity-Building events, and increasing IMPACT of the organisation in society.
To mark Cervical Cancer Awareness Month free cervical cancer screening held on 19th January 2022 at Model Primary Healthcare Centre, Churchill, Port Harcourt. 53 women were screened for cervical cancer, free of charge, using VIA, and 3 suspicious cases were booked for Pap smears. 55 women also had clinical breast examinations done for them. Of these, 2 were found to have breast lumps and were asked to have follow-up investigations.
Dr Vivian Ogbonna was a guest on TreasureFM Port Harcourt, on 19th January, where she enlightened the public on Cervical Cancer risk factors, prevention and treatment.
The Young Doctors’ Forum of MWAN Rivers is hosting a masterclass on Handling Personal Finances for doctors 40 years and below, and everyone else who is interested, scheduled for the 29th of January 2022.